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OCCHIO comes to Chelsea

2nd April '11

OCCHIO comes to Chelsea


Chelsea Lighting Design is proud to announce that it has become London  Partner+  for the award winning German lighting company OCCHIO


The Occhio lighting company is one of the fastest growing companies in the lighting industry and is a market leader for high-quality lighting in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The innovative modular system, created out of a meticulous attention to detail and the highest standards of quality and service places the product in a unique position in the lighting marketplace.

Founded in 1999 by the designer Axel Meise the company is based in Munich and employs a team of 25 designers. marketing, sales and service personnel. Axel Meise is a self taught lighting designer and the inspiration for the Axelmeiselicht system came from an idea to create a comprehensive 'lighting tool'. Continuous innovation and development has become the basis of the Occhio philosphy and the company by-word  'light is evolution'.

The system is flexible and uses a unique interchangeable head and body arrangement, with a range of reflectors and lenses, light sources and applications, including floor and table lamps, wall, ceiling and suspension luminaires.

The latest additions to the ranges are using the most up-to-date LED technology and in combination with the optical lenses, reflectors and dichroic colour filters, stunning lighting effects are possible.

Visit the impressive OCCHIO website via the 'Links' on this page

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